Monday, October 8, 2012


"Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample."  Philippians 3:17

"For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." 4:13

Thinking carefully about THINGS, there is a virtue that characterizes those who reach goals in life.  It is a common denominator if we could call it that.  PERSEVERANCE.  This is a virtue that resides only in those who have known and experienced in a real way the Presence of God.  In my last worship Cd, I sing a song called "In his Presence" and it talks about living in his presence not just entering his presence. 

The Bible says "Those who persevere until the end will find salvation..."  Jesus is talking here about ETERNITY, however, through this text I am reminded of the text in which Elisha, the protégé, the son of the Prophet Elijah, asked him for double portion of his spirit; it took perseverance for him to acquire that which he desired. 

Perseverance is a virtue that offer us victory at the end of the tunnel.  The snail might not get there as quick as the eagle, but the great thing is that he will not stop until he gets there!

Just so that your faith is stimulated and you can attain your goals for 2013, read the testimony of someone who preceded us.  

Was born in 1809 in a small hut made of rustic wood in a farm area, February 12 in Kentucky.  1816 his family was forced to leave their home, and at age 7 he has to go to work to help with house expenses.  1818 only two years later his mother died.  1831 He failed in every business that he started.  1832 ran for State Legislator and lost.  Lost his job and was rejected as he tried to enter Law School.  1833 asked for a loan to begin yet another business, he failed and spent 17 years of his life paying the money back.  1834 tried to run for State Legislator and won.  1835 got engaged to get married and a little later his fiancé died. 1836 had a nerves brake down and was in bed for six months.  1838 ran for President of the State Chamber and once more lost.  1840 ran for Governor and lost.  1843 ran for Congress and won.  1848  ran for re-election of Congress and lost again. 1849 ran for State Official and was rejected.  1854 ran for Senator and lost.  1856  Sought the nomination for the Vice Presidency of the United States and had a ridiculous amount of 100 votes.  1860  Finally was able to get nominated for the Presidency of the United States and was elected.

Today this man is one of the most remembered and loved presidents in the History of this country.  His name is Abraham Lincoln.

So you see?  It is not how you get to the top of your dreams or how many obstacles you had to overcome; it is whether you had enough stamina and faith to persevere until the end. 

As I always say, it is not going through the storm of life, it is leaning to dance in the rain.

"God of glory and God of love, help us to stay on course and not weaken in the process of arriving to the place that you have destined for us.  Allow for us to be strong and of good courage, to have enough faith to say as the song Marvin Saap sings: " I NEVER WOULD HAVE MADE IT, NEVER COULD HAVE MADE IT  WITHOUT YOU"

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Old Ship of Zion

My Son Alex Garcia is an actor, and he has been asked to play a preacher in a play entitled the Old Ship of Zion, as I read the script I was drawn into the scene of this preacher guiding his congregation to leave the old way of life and be determined to get on the ship to Zion.

The sermon with which the Pastor ends this play was so very moving that I felt led to share it with you, my readers, who knows?  you might even be as motivated as I was to search more, to seek more, to find that ship and hop on it on its way to Zion.

The Reverend asked the congregation what the name of the church was, to which all answer "The Old Ship of Zion" and the message begins, the part that was most moving and impacting to me was when the Reverend says:  "The Old Ship of Zion is actually the mode of transportation that will get you from spiritual death to an everlasting spiritual life whenever you are ready to get on board!  You see in this life, if you get cut, you gon bleed.  If you get tripped up, you gon fall down.  If somebody drops you in the middle of the ocean, you gon fall drown.  Ain't nothing you can do about thast.  But if you opt for the eternal life, see... there is a ship".


Reading this entire play made me think:  "My God, my God, my God, I want to get on that ship", do not allow for me to go astraight, let me keep on looking into your eyes and being guided by you, so that I don't miss the ship because of distractions on my pilgrimage".

Be ready and the ship is waiting for you.

La Cena de la Boda del Cordero

Mi nuevo nlibro acaba de ser publicado "La Uncion del Siglo XXI Sobre la Iglesia", en la pagina 54 comparto un pensamiento breve sobre "La Cena de la Boda del Cordero" que deseo publicarlo en este blog.

Jesushablaba de las bodas judias con su pueblo. Laboda judia tiene tres aspectos que se comparan na la obra e Jesus: 

1.  Contrato matrimonial
2.  Precio pagado (redencion).
3.  Arreglo de parte del Padre con el novio.

En estas bodas, el noviorecoge a la novia en una ceremonia y la lleva asu casa (Mateo 25:10), le prepara un banquete y le sirve una cena.  Al novio le toca preparar el vestido de la novia y la vestimenta a todos los invitasdos.  Se viste de lino blanco fino y resplandeciente.  Apocalipsis 19:7-8


1.  Pago el precio
2.  Fue a preparar el lugar.
3.  El esta ahora preparando el banquete y las vestiduras nuevas.

Cuando El regrese a la tierra viene con los vestidos de lino fino, todo esta en su lugar.  El novio ya hizo todos los arreglos para el banquete nupcial, lo unico que falta es que la iglesia determine arreglar sus asuntos para que Jesus pueda venir por ella. 

La iglesia arregla sus asuntos cuando determine unirse, dejar las cosas antiguas, vivir por la Palabra, buscar al que se ha perdido, predicar la palabra a tiempo y fuera de tiempo, creer que toda palabra que ha salido de la boca de Dios es AMEN Y ASI SEA.

Entonces y solo entonces podremos ver el ginete vestido de blanco venir con su Talit, cuyo zit zit deletreara "REY DE REYES Y SENOR DE SENORES"

Sunday, June 17, 2012

"It's Never Too Late"

It was the year 1990, I was a relatively new pastor eager to build the Kingdom. I was invited to a pastor's retreat, once there, during my first lunch time, a young woman holding a baby asked me if I wanted to go to Cuba. Well, it had been 22 years since I had left my country. Three months later I was preaching at Guanabacoa United Methodist Church, Habana, Cuba. Right in the midst of my message, the Lord gave me a vision; I saw my dad dressed as an army soldier standing at the door of the church. I had been asking the Lord what he wanted me to do in Cuba, I did not feel I had anything to do in that country. I was never closed to my family and they were all communists anyways, including my father. It was not until the moment I had the vision with my dad that I realized two things: 1. The Lord had brought me back to preach the Gospel to my dad (a santero) and 2. I was brought back because I needed to forgive my father for abandoning my mom, my sister and I when I was just 5 years old. That Sunday, as I was preaching, a man stood at the church's door, dressed as a soldier and when I was able to see his face, it was my father. As I made the altar call, he came forth and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. We hugged and asked each other for forgiveness. That day the church was serving communion, as my dad came to partake and the pastor told me to serve him, it was the first and last time we saw each other after so many years because my dad passed away right after dad, but the beauty of it is that he went with the Lord and I will see him again. IT IS NEVER TOO LATE to forgive and be forgiven,for it might be the last time you see the person in this earth, and how wonderful it is to know that not only are you healed, but the person gets to know the God you serve. Think of who you need to forgive today, who knows? It might be the person closest to your heart and isn't that the way God works?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

"Surprise by a Granchild"

Just when we think we have lost the battle with our children and grandchildren, a surprising letter comes to us. Her name is Isabella she is one of my 12 grandchildren, number four to be exact, and she is identical to me. I had nag and nag about a number of things I wanted to see her do differently; for twelve days I nag and nag; the day came for me to leave. I was teary, knew my grandchildren did not like me very much... when all of the sudden my son handed me a letter.

This is what the letter it said: "Nana, I wanted to thank you for all you did for us. The time you've been here. It means a lot to us. I know we might not show it, but that's just because we are too proud to admit that we care. I also wanted to tell you that we had a lot of fun, sharing some laughs and stories. I know when you were here, you were irratated and annoyed at some points, but somehow, you made it through. I have no clue how, but you did it anyways. Thank you for being at my concert as well, that really did mean a lot to me. I'm so glad you liked it!, and thank you for just being awesome. Well, I am going to stop because I know you have better things to do than to read this letter. I love you. have a safe trip. Call as soon as you get home, and I hope you visit again."

Boy!!! you can never tell when you are making an impression on one of your children or grandchildren. That is why we should not give into mediocracy, step up and let your children and grandchildren know you expect the best from them. Don't wait until it is too late. DO IT NOW!!!!. Tell them you care by letting them know they can be the best that they can be and no less.

"Hear, my son, your father's instruction and forsake not your mother's teaching, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck." Proverbs 1:8-9

Friday, March 16, 2012

"Feeling Good"

I very frequently receive a magazine called "Feel Good", in it, you will find all kinds of things to help you become healthier; all kinds of items to improve your body and mind and feel good.  As I saw it arriving in the mail today, a questions came to mind:  "what about the spirit?"  It was then that the Lord spoke to my heart saying:  "your spiritual well being is not acquired through a book, it is only found in THE BOOK.

Through this blog I would like to help you trust as you learn about THAT BOOK.  This book has a way of making you leave your burden on Him.  Rest assured that you will never feel lonely, sad, depressed or insecure, in other words, feel bad, once you come to Him.  "Come to me those who are tired or heavy burden and I will give you rest", says The Book.  That Book will guide you to the place where He will be your shepherd and will never allow you to lack for anything.

The Book that I am talking about is the Word of God, that Word that was, is and will be lamp onto your feet and light on your way. 

I believe that the only thing that will make you "feel good" is trusting the God that wrote the Book we call Bible.  In it, you find words to give you peace in the midst of  the storms of life with words as:  "I will never leave you nor forsake you", "Be still and know that I am God", "Even if your mother and father leave you I will never leave you nor forsake you".

It is through The Book, the Bible, I found solace as I was diagnosed with leukemia nineteen years ago and was healed; I found peace as my mother went to be with the Lord; because the words in that Bible told me that those who die in Him will live eternally.  I grew in faith as the word told me when the world entered into a recession, those who believe are not part of this world, but of the Kingdom of the Almighty God, and while others were losing their homes, ours was safe.  The word in the Book, the Bible, teach you faith, trust and confidence. 

Yes, feeling good  is possible, but not in our own strength or understanding, feeling good is possible when God is in control of your life through the knowledge and understanding of His word in THE BOOK.

Monday, February 20, 2012

"Falling in Love With Jesus"

A few days ago, a precious sister in the faith woke me up with a video called "Falling in Love With Jesus".  A man from South African by the name of Jonathan Baily was singing.  O my! what a way to say hello to the new day!

It was in an instant that I realized that my life without Him is not worth living.  Yes, I am in love with Him and I am not ashame to say it.  As I heard the beautiful and anointed melody of the song, I cried, worshipped and was embraced by His Holy Spirit.

What a way to start the day!

The Bible says that we love Him because He loved us first.  If we love Him then we need to worship Him; it is through worship that we fall in love with His Presence, it is through worship that we enthrone Him in our heart, it is through worship that we are healed, it is through worship that we are delivered.

The word tell us He enhabits the praise of His people; I suggest that you start today, begin your day with worship, you will then learn how wonderful your day can be when you fall in love with Jesus to the point of not letting Him out of your side.  Believe me, YOU WILL BE BLESSED.

Love Him, Worship Him and Be made whole.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Amar de Cuatro Formas"


El verdadero sentido del amor, como definido en la Biblia, ha sido corrompido en el uso común de nuestro idioma y la sociedad.  Frecuentemente el amor es confundido con infatuación; esa euforia, ese sentimiento de "endrogamiento" que sentimos cuando nos "enamoramos". Este tipo de amor dura típicamente un año, y si no se reemplaza por el verdadero amor, resulta en relaciones deshechas.

La Biblia indica que Dios es amor (1 Juan 4:8) "El que no ama no ha conocido a Dios, pues Dios es Amor", o sea, el amor es una de las primarias características de Dios.  De acuerdo a la Biblia, el amor no es lo que siento, es lo que hago.  El amor no se trata meramente de uno de los atributos e Dios, sino que la misma esencia de Su ser es amor, es por esto que el pecado tiene como consecuencia división, separación, alienación de Dios.

En el idioma griego utiliza tres palabras diferentes para describir y definir AMOR, mientras que el hebreo utiliza una para explicarlo más generalizado: 

1)  AGAPE:  La más común es "ágape".  Este tipo de amor es representado por Dios hacia nosotros.  Es un amor sin parcialidad, incondicional, un amor sacrificado como lo describe Juan 3:16.  "Dios amó (AGAPE) tanto al mundo que dio a su Hijo único para que todo el que crea en El no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna". El amor ágape requiere una relación con Dios por medio de Jesucristo debido a que el alma no se regenera y es incapaz de amar incondicionalmente.  El amor ágape da y sacrifica sin esperar nada.  

2) PHILEO O FILIA: En contraste, nuestro amor es usualmente condicional y está basado en el comportamiento de otros hacia nosotros.  Este tipo de amor nace de la familiaridad y directa interacción que tengamos con la otra persona, en el griego se define como "phileo",  como "amor de hermanos"  (FILIA)  Phileo es un amor "almático" (se conecta a través de emociones), contrario al amor ágape que se conecta a través del espíritu. i.e. Mateo 17:4 "Pedro le dijo a Jesús:  Señor, que bueno que estemos aquí.  Si quieres hago tres chozas:  una para ti, otra para Moisés y otra para Elías"

3)  Finalmente tenemos el amor "Eros", no se usa en el Nuevo Testamento, pero conlleva siempre la idea, en mayor o menor intensidad, de deseo y de avidez.  Génesis 24:67 "Después Isaac llevo a Rebeca a la carpa de Sara, su mama, y se caso con ella.  Isaac amo a Rebeca y así se consoló de la muerte de su mama".   

4)  POR ULTIMO:  En el Antiguo Testamento, o las Escrituras Hebreas, tenemos "ahabah", relacionado con el verbo aheb.  Se usa para explicar tanto eros como phileo, o filia, el amor de Jacob por Raquel (Génesis 29:20); de David por Jonatán (2 Samuel 1:26), el amor de Amnón hacia Tamar, el amor hacia los semejantes, pagado con odio (Salmos 109:4-5, "En pago de mi amor, me calumnian; pero yo oro  el bien que les hice me lo pagan con mal; me dieron odio a cambio de mi amor); el amor de esposo a esposa (Proverbios 5:19, "hermosa cervatilla, gacela encantadora.  Que sus senos te satisfagan por completo, que su amor te apasione para siempre"),  del efecto del amor en las relaciones humanas (Proverbios 10:12 "el odio crea discusiones; el amor perdona todos los errores"); del amor de Jehová hacia Su pueblo (Jeremías 31:3, "El Señor se le apareció a la distancia y le dijo:  "con amor eterno te he amado y por eso te sigo mostrando mi fiel amor"); Oseas 3:1; Sofonías 3:17).  Otras formas del verbo ahabah:  a) ohabim, de actos de amor (Proverbios 8:18  "también tengo riquezas y honor para dar; yo doy bienestar y prosperidad"); b) dod, como el anterior (Proverbios 7:18, "Ven bebamos hasta la última gota de la copa del amor; hagamos el amor hasta el amanecer"); Cantares 1:2, 4; 4:10)

Termino con un párrafo del Poema "Háblanos del amor" del libro "El Profeta" de Kahil Gibran:  "Entonces Almitra dijo al Profeta:  Háblanos de AMOR.  El alzó su cabeza y miró al pueblo, y con gran voz dijo: 'Cuando el amor te hace señas, síguele, aunque sus caminos son duros y empinados; y cuando sus alas te envuelvan, grítale, aunque sus restricciones te inmovilicen y hieran; créele cuando te hable, porque aunque el amor te corone, El te crucificará con El y entonces, descansarás a la hora del mediodía cuando medites en el éctasis de su amor; volverás a Su casa con agradecimiento, y solo así dormirás con una oración por el Amado en tu corazón y un cantico de alabanza en tus labios." 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"Looking Up While Laying Down"

Recently I was forced by my body to stay in bed for a day or so; while laying down, I realized I had no choice but to look up.  Wow!!!! a revelation came to my soul; when you belong to God, everything happens for good for those who love Him, those who have been called according to his purpose.  (Romans 8:28)  Well, I know for sure I was called and God had a purpose for my calling. I also know  I love Him more than life itself; therefore, God had a reason to lay me down, it was to stop me long enough to be able to talk to me.  Oh! He is God, He can make you listen, but he rather you find out on your own that you need to take time to be intimate with Him.  What a wonderful God we serve!, owner of the Universe and yet takes time to care for you.

What did He have to say to me?  Well, that is between Him and I... you  seek His face, search for Him, and He will tell you what you need to hear from His.

This is from my heart to yours, hope you got something out of it.  Don't wait to be forced to lay down so that you can look up.  Look up now, see His beautiful smile, listen to His soothing voice and finally, enjoy the ride into wholeness.