Monday, February 20, 2012

"Falling in Love With Jesus"

A few days ago, a precious sister in the faith woke me up with a video called "Falling in Love With Jesus".  A man from South African by the name of Jonathan Baily was singing.  O my! what a way to say hello to the new day!

It was in an instant that I realized that my life without Him is not worth living.  Yes, I am in love with Him and I am not ashame to say it.  As I heard the beautiful and anointed melody of the song, I cried, worshipped and was embraced by His Holy Spirit.

What a way to start the day!

The Bible says that we love Him because He loved us first.  If we love Him then we need to worship Him; it is through worship that we fall in love with His Presence, it is through worship that we enthrone Him in our heart, it is through worship that we are healed, it is through worship that we are delivered.

The word tell us He enhabits the praise of His people; I suggest that you start today, begin your day with worship, you will then learn how wonderful your day can be when you fall in love with Jesus to the point of not letting Him out of your side.  Believe me, YOU WILL BE BLESSED.

Love Him, Worship Him and Be made whole.

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